How to make construction more sustainable in 2022:

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As the world moves and evolves, and the nature of digital technology is ever expanding, it is becoming increasingly important that we become more aware of global sustainability, and what we can do to partake in making the planet more environmentally friendly.

It really is that simple, and the little things can truly contribute towards creating a positive impact.

Whether your in the construction industry, or are considering a new project yourself; here are some ways that you can ensure your project is more sustainable:

  1. Though it may seem obvious, use sustainable building materials.

Naturally, concrete is your ‘go-to’ for high-quality building materials, but it isn’t the most beneficial for the environment, as it is a source of greenhouse gas production.

Don’t fret! As there are an abundance of other, sustainable materials that will provide you with a solid structure to call home.

Cob, recycled steel, reclaimed or recycled wood, recycled plastic and straw are great examples of materials that can be compressed and made into ceiling or wall panels, whilst sheep’s wool is an excellent example of insulation, and cork can be a brilliant alternative for flooring.

  1. Consider using less paper blueprints and drawings.

The advancement of technology has allowed new software to be developed that can allow you to sketch out your entire project, from beginning to end; including scheduling, drawings, calculating and controlling costs, analysing risks, track progress and manage documents.

Using less paper drawings, blueprints and specs can save a lot of trees, and you a lot of time.

Not to mention, the increase you will see in productivity, your project will be having a positive impact on the environment.

  1. During the project, dispose of construction waste correctly.

Statistics from the Environmental Protection Agency show that the construction and engineering industry produce 530 million tons of waste annually, most ending up in landfills, and demolition accounting for 90% of the waste.

So what can we do?

We can reduce that number by reducing the amount of waste materials, and recycling as much of it as we can. For instance, materials like steel, concrete and masonry have an abundance of life left in them after their primary demolition and can be used in other projects, whilst paper, glass and plastic can all be recycled.

  1. Use energy efficient construction equipment.

Using the correct equipment is a simple and effective way to reduce your energy consumption and waste. As an example, when using the right on-site generator, you can avoid wasting fuel. Moreso, energy-efficient overhead cranes and other construction tools have been created, specifically with the environment in mind.

Though it may take time and money to get your hands on these items, the long term benefits are sure to prove more effective for you, and the environment.

  1. Ensure your building plans are conscious of the environment.

The building design stage of your project is the first opportunity to ensure your build is as sustainable as possible.

The choices are endless; from choosing recycled or natural building materials, to including features like solar panels, or including windows that maximise the natural light in your build.

Further, choosing to add smart appliances (e.g. thermostats), can reduce your energy wastage.

Finally, bear in mind the lifespan of your building – the longer it can be in use, the less greenhouse gases will be emitted from building, demolition, clear up and rebuilding.

These are only a few of the ways we would recommend to ensure your project is more sustainable; but really, the possibilities are limitless.

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