It’s the year 2022, and you’re preparing for a home remodelling project… here is how:

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When someone mentions the words ‘home renovation’ to you, how does it make you feel?

Do you instantly recoil back in fear of the constant disruption, mess and interference it will bring to your everyday life, or do you jump with excitement at the thought of the finished product, and your dream home – built just for you?

Along with New Year’s resolutions, January is often the time in which people decide to take control of their lives and finally start on the jobs that they’ve been putting off since the year previous; and a home renovation can usually be one of these jobs.

Yes, it is a process and yes, it won’t happen overnight… but no, it really won’t cause you as much of a bother as you may think.

That’s why, if you are planning to construct a home renovation project, this is how you can prepare for it (and we should be your chosen contractor!).

1.     Keep everything organised.

Keep all of your contracts, receipts, and idea boards organised. This way, you can continuously refer to it in times of altercations with your contractors. Ideally, they should all be digital and on your phone for quick reference. However, hard copies must also be placed in a folder and with you at all times. Ensure that you have a calendar on-site to keep track of the timeline and if the project is delayed or on-time.

2.     Set a strict budget.

There’s no secret that home renovations are expensive and costly. A simple home refurbishing can set you back thousands of pounds. If you’re not careful, your renovation may end up costing you more than originally planned, especially if you decide to go with an additional skylight, a more expensive worktop etc. Avoid this by having a talk with your contractors about sticking to a set budget.

Make sure that you’re on top of all the expenses so you can monitor closely where your money is going.

Let your contractor know how much your budget is and if it’s doable.


3.     Look for living accommodations elsewhere.

Living in a house while it’s under construction can sometimes be unbearable. People are hammering away at all times, you can’t get your privacy, and there are just way too many people inside for you to relax. At the same time, having you, your stuff, and your furniture inside can hinder your contractors. It can even be considered a health hazard considering they have to go around your items to finish their work.

You don’t have to rent a hotel room, maybe reach out to a relative or a friend that’s nearby. This way, you can still check in on your house at random times to ensure everything is going according to plan. There’s no need for you to fear house renovations when you prepare accordingly. It doesn’t even have to be expensive. You need a bit of patience and not go in headstrong.

4.     Remove as much as possible, but learn to embrace the mess.

Try to clear the space of pretty much everything. That way, it is easier for your contractor to do their job, but also your furniture will not get covered in dust and debris.

Having said that, when you’re in the middle of a home renovation project, there’s inevitably going to be a lot of dust, even if you are a master cleaner. You can get annoyed and pretend like the dust isn’t there, or you can make plans to regularly clean in and around your living space.

Either way, there will be dust.

Figure out a balance that works for you and your mental well being. Taking the above precautions will help eliminate some dust, but it is important to have realistic expectations when going into a home renovation.

Keep a positive attitude, trust your contractor, and understand the renovation process is temporary. Construction is not fun, but once it is all over, you will have a beautiful new home.

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